
Liezel is still doing well on the lower dose of medication.  We took several walks this week and she occasionally raised her hackles, but otherwise had no reactions.

Obedience class on Saturday also went pretty well.  We worked on something new.  The class was split in two with each half facing each other.  The trainer held the leash of a dog at one end of the group and that dog’s owner stood at the other end and called the dog to “come.”  As that dog ran through the aisle way we made, we had to have our own dog maintain a command – sit / watch, down / watch, etc.  With each person’s turn we moved farther away from our own dogs.  Liezel did not do particularly well with this.  The person calling their dog to come, made Liezel look away from me and to them; and the dog running down the aisle made Liezel break position.  She would stand and look ready to bolt.  On the other hand, she maintained all long distance stays and of course, did awesome at recall (anything to get back to me!).

I signed up for a private lesson for this upcoming week but then realized that I had an appointment that same day and time so I had to cancel.  Since agility is done for a while, I want to get back to private lessons to work on more detailed obedience and exposure.  More to come on that.

Random Acts of Kindness:

  • 19. Complimented a co-worker on new hair color
  • 20. Sent a “thank you / good job” email to a co-worker
  • 21.  Picked up a neighbor’s dumpster that blew over in the wind
  • 22.  Checked on a woman at Costco who seemed to have burned her hand

Diet, Exercise, Fitness / Liezel / Housekeeping

  • I caught up on my lack of house cleaning from last week.  I have now done every room in the house at least once and things are looking good.  I haven’t been able to wash windows due to the temperature, but everything else in each room is getting done.
  • Liezel and I spent more than two hours of training for the weekly goal
  • Exercise has been more like 30 minutes five days instead of 45 minutes four days.
  • I missed a serving of veggies two days (got two of three) and only had sweets the one allowed day.